stables looking smart

The owner of, Anthony Gafa, has a beautiful property just out of Windsor. These timber panel stables fit the style of the place well and have plenty of strength and safety built into the design.  

Champion type of stables for Wood Park Bowral

Brand new rubber lined stables for Wood Park in Bowral NSW , you simply can’t get a safer type of  stable. Made in kit and delivered and installed by our team in 4 hrs. Prices start from $3800 per stable 4 x 4 stable.

Shelters for Champions with stables as well

We have finished the shelter sheds and stables for Mark and Kim Waugh who own and run Kim Waugh Racing at Wyong NSW. Kim wanted shelters for her individual spelling paddocks that were big and roomy with great area flow. Well she got it and the air flow and coolness is amazing compared to any other […]

Willow Tree stable complex on track and looking good

This is a new 24 m x 7 m boutique barn we are building in Willow Tree, NSW. It has 4 stables (4 m x 4 m) , tack room (7 m x 4 m), drive-thru float parking (7 m x 4 m) and a wash bay off the side. This brand new complex will […]